The Importance of Having a Mobile Friendly Website

Is your website is mobile friendly? To answer this question accurately, you must answer these questions:


  1. Does your website load in less than four seconds?
  2. Is the content easy to read and pictures are clear?
  3. Is the content well-formatted and draw attention to key points?
  4. Would you spend time on this website if it was not your own website?

If you answered “no” to any of those questions,you need to go back to the drawing board and examine how you can possibly improve your website to be a better experience for users.

But why do you need a mobile friendly website at all?

  1. Mobile Users Do Not Wait!

mobile friendly

Mobile users are very different than desktop users. They are looking for a quick and easy to read page. The average mobile user will only look at the website for 10 to 20 seconds to find an answer. If they do not find what they are looking for immediately, they leave. Mobile users are recorded to wait less than five seconds for a webpage to open. It is important to have a quick page that is easily organized to prevent them from feeling overwhelmed since they will simply sign off.

  1. It’s Easy To Link Pages.

With the average person having accounts on five social media websites, it is very easy to jump from one page to another. A remarkable 51% of Facebook users are on a mobile device. Even more impressively, 83% of Twitter users access the site on their mobile device. Instagram intentionally targets mobile users, which is why about 92% of users are on mobile. These three major social media platforms allow users include a link in their posts. If your mobile website is attached to a post but will not opened fully, you are missing out on a major marketing opportunity. Therefore,keeping a convenient mobile presence is incredibly important.

  1. Be Proactive, Not Reactive!

Due to the ease of entry for social media marketing, the competition is high, no matter your industry. You cannot afford to take a “if you build it, they will come” stance with your website! If a competitor’s site is more visible and easier to access, it doesn’t matter how great the quality of your work is, since mobile users will not stick around to find out. You have to invest in a mobile-friendly site BEFORE the lost traffic becomes a serious problem.

Having a mobile friendly website can help lead to engagement and possible sales. Adjusting your website to be proactive is an important step to keep your client based growing and engage more with perspective clients!

By Sahil Maherali, Digital Sapien

This Article originally appeared on